Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cutie Pa Tutie!

Tagney has been smiling for a while now, but we have had the hardest time catching in a picture. Well I finally was able too, and he is wearing one of the cute hats I crochet for him!

What A Blow Out!

For some reason, Tagney always has done the classic diaper "blow out" when we are out of the house, usually at an even like a wedding or a Thanksgiving gathering. However, on Sunday morning, right after his bath he gave us the biggest blow out yet! I am so glad Cedar was there to assist in the cleanup! Here are a few pictures of Daddy digging in deep!

Such A Big Boy!

Yestersday, we had Tagney's 2 month check up. Even though I knew my little boy has been doing alot of growing this last month, I was surprised to learn just how much he has grown. He continues to be in the 90% to 97% on the the charts. He now weighs in at a wopping 14lbs, 6 oz. and has grown another inch long, and he is now 24inches long! His head has also put on another inch! To say the least we have a big boy on our hands! Tagney is quite the "spitter" and I remember when I thought he wasn't getting enough milk, with the LARGE amount he would spit up after each feeding....well with his growth being off the charts, I no longer worry about that! I continue to be in "aw" of this miracle God has blessed our family with!

Hunting For the Perfect Tree

We got our tree a couple weeks ago, but I haven't got around to posting the pictures until now. With Christmas coming up so soon, I have been busy getting ready, I am sure you can all relate! I have had to adjust to having baby Tagney with me, heading out the door to do the simple things, has become much more of an event. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change it for the world!!! Here are a few pictures:

Sunday, November 30, 2008

11.15.2008 Infant Pictures - Four Weeks Old

We had Tagney's infant pictures taken on November 15th - Heather Mann was the photographer, we have been vey happy with her work! Here are a few of the precious pictures!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Momma & Tag Cuddle Time

Tagney is such a cuddle bug, and I love soaking up ever minute!

Growing So Fast!

Here are a couple pictures of the last couple weeks...Tag is growing like a weed! He is already out of his newborn clothes! :(

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Four Weeks Old Already!

I can hardly believe it, our little Tagney is already one month old! The time has flown by....seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital! At his check up appointment last week he weighed 9lbs, 9ozs and was already 23 inches long! To say the least he is growing like a weed! He is in the 75% for weight and 95% for height.

We have enjoyed every second so far and can't wait to see his growth and changes in the future. He has been sleeping anywhere from 3 - 5 hours a night, which has been really nice! Every day I look at the amazing gift God has blessed our family with and I am so thankful for Tagney! He has already taught me so much, and has given me a new respect for the great Mothers I know, not to mention my Mom, who had 6 of us little "bessings" running around! What a trooper!

we are going to have his infant pictures taken this Saturday, as soon as we get them I will share them for sure!

"Hi Momma!"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

IT'S A BOY! Tagney True Paddock

Tagney finally arrived on October 17th, at 7:09pm by c-section, 8lbs 4oz, and 21 inches long. As many of you know, we wanted to have a natural child birth, at a birthing center, but after a long hard try (20 hours in labor), we were unable to. I can fill you in on all the details if you haven't heard already! It is a long story, Cedar tells it much better then I do! Tagney has been nothing but a blessing, such a good baby! I am trying to enjoy every minute I have with this little bundle becuase I know he will be walking before I know it! At the end of the day God blessed us with a beautiful healthy baby boy, and a healthy Momma! Thank you for all your prayers!
Cedar was able to catch the birth on our camera. For some people this video might be little much, just to warn you before you push play!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Belly Pics

We had some "Belly" pictures taken, by Heather Mann, she did a great job! If you would like to take a look go to www.heathermannphotography.com - and go to the "proofing" section - to view our pics just enter our password which is "paddock".

Heather will also be taking pictures of baby Paddock as soon as baby decides to arrive! I will make sure to let you know when those are ready too!

I am now 37 plus weeks and am more then ready for Baby P to arrive...I am for sure into the "unconfortable" stag! Hopefully, less then three weeks and we will Baby P in our arms!

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Shower For Baby P!

On Saturday, Cedar's sister, Amber and sister in-law, Jamie threw me a great Baby Shower.

The two lovely host, and the Momma to be!
baby shower host

Amber made me an awesome diaper cake
Diaper Cake

I love this onesie...
baby shower presents

Darby, Jamie, Debbie, Me, Amber & Grandma Dee

Aunt Jan, Reina, Olivia, Me and River

Suzie, Me, Michelle, Brooklynn & River

Me, Hailee and Keala
Haille & Keala

Quincy, Me, Jill, Paige & Gunnar. According to my ultra sound Jill and I are due on the same date!
Quin, Jill & Paige

I had such a great time at my shower! 5 more weeks and counting...impatiently!

*Sorry the pictures are so small...I have a heck of a time trying to make them fit b/c they are too big, and then they end of way too small...any pointers let me know! :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Baby Paddock's BBQ Celebration

My sister and her husband threw a BBQ in celebration for the upcoming birth of baby P. It was coed, so she decided not to call it a shower, to make sure some boys would show! We had alot of fun, here are a couple pictures from the night.

The proud parents to be...

Me with my big sister...the host.
Me & Michelle

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

31 Weeks & 2 Days


Coming up on the 8 month mark, and feeling as though I should be coming up on week 40! I am sure all of you ladies, that have been on my shoes can relate! In my fathers words " I don't think you are gonna make it to October"...even though I have told him that comments like these rate on the "top 5 things not say to a pregnant lady", he continues to tell me this! I am feeling pretty good, my ribs are always soar by the end of the day, and my feet are looking more like clubs these days, but over all I have had a pretty good pregnancy, I can't complain. Baby had the hicups the first time, when we were on vacation in Cannon Beach...pretty wild, I was trying to take a nap and had a hard time due to the baby's hicups! Baby is moving like crazy, and usually decides to be most active in the middle of the night...on my bladder! That is one thing I will not miss, the 3-5 trips to the toilet at night! Can't wait to meet baby! We have a check up coming up on the 19th, I will let you know how it goes!