Friday, July 31, 2009


I can't believe how fast our little guy is growing up! We had his 9 month check up on the 17th, and he is still our big healthy boy. He is 23 lbs now, which means he has consistently gained one pound a month since he was about 4 months old. He is in the 95% for height and weight, and that cranium of his is off the charts!

Tag still says his usual words, Dada, Momma and Nana. He has recently added "Uh-Oh" to his vocab, which is so cute! I have been signing to Tag since he was about 7 months old, and he recently started to sign back "more". We are working on signs for no-no, daddy, mommy, bath, thank you, please, hungry, and all done. I try to always use the signs when I talk to him. It is really amazing to see his little brain turning as he watches!

Along with talking and signing, Tagney is now waving bye-bye, clapping his hands and says "yeah", gives hi fives, and my favorite, he will give a kiss when you ask for one - usually a typical open mouth spitty baby kiss, but adorable still! :)

Tagney is officially mobile! He does something I would refer to as an "army crawl" - he uses one leg and one arm to scoot across the floor on his belly - but according to his pediatrician that is crawling. He is now into all the "no-no's" in the house, which is keeping me on my toes to put it lightly!

I plan on posting some pictures really soon of our peanut!